Articles • Flooding • Does someone have your nick and they won't give it back even after you've asked them nicely? Is someone being beyond lame and won't stop bothering people? The answer (well, kinda...) to your problems, at least on IRC, is Death 2.1--a flooding program made by the ScriptLords. It is used in conjunction with Ircle. And how do you use such a program? Simply put the Death 2.1 application in your Ircle scripting folder (or whichever the active script folder is set in your ircle prefs). Death works very effectivly with 3 or more clones on IRC. Your best bet is to have each clone on a different IRC server, as this lessens the chance of getting K-Lined for too many clones. Launch Death, select a flood type from the menu bar, enter the user and number of clones you have and presto! The flooding begins. Death is VERY effective against mIRC users who don't use Flood protection. Death is also effective against the Macintosh bot called "ShadowBot." However, if an mIRC user has flood protection on, your flooding will go pretty much unnoticed. If CTCP Requests are ignored with ShadowBot, once again, your flooding isn't effective. Flooding against Ircle users is somewhat effective as well, if you know you're being flooded, you can easily toggle CTCP requests on and off through Ircle. Keep in mind that Death is VERY traceable when flooding. It is very wise *not* to flood tons of people, because just a few can gang up on you and icmp flood you until you puke. Death is traceable because the nicks of the clones you flood from can be seen. If someone knows what they're doing, they'll have you nailed against a wall of icmp floods for the rest of your life. :) Be wise when flooding, and use it only when needed (do I sound like your mother, yet?). Update: Plugs informed me that a new version is being worked on and should be released in the next week or two, and the name "Death 2.0" will be changed to ExcessFlood v1.0. - Freakman • What To Do When You're Being Flooded • This is assuming you're using Ircle 2.6b7... How do you know you're being flooded? Easy, you'll see CTCP requests scrolling in either your console or front channel, most likely, pings, usrinfo's, version's, uprfle, and other misc. bull crap that shouldn't be appearing on your screen. What to do? Make sure to configure Ircle so that it has the C.Toggle button in the window for the userlist. This will toggle CTCP requests on and off. With these requests off, flooding is almost non-effective. However, if you're being ICMP flooded, that's something else. The only way to avoid that is to change your ip (if you've got a dialup and a dynamic ip). Ok, so you know you're being flooded and have done everything to avoid it, now what? Retaliation is an option, ignoring it is an option, but whatever you do, find out who it was (just out of curiousity). Do a /whois [nick] (obviously replace [nick] with their real nick). It'll display the person's username@host.mask. Now, what can you do with this info? A number of things, but we won't go into that--next issue I'll elaborate on retaliation to the fullest extent. :) - Freakman ***I'll put together a full article on how to flood someone, what to do to completely avoid floods, what to do in retaliation, which scripts work the best, etc. etc. All of this will be the main feature in EMC Volume 9! • LSD v2.0 • For those of you who don't know what this is...LSD v2.0 is a script (actually, a bunch of scripts) for Ircle 2.6b7. This is one of the more cleaner/straightforward scripts I've come across, and is why I choose to use it. There are basically shortcuts for every command (kick, ban, bankick, whois, whowas, join, leave, xdcc list, xdcc send, and a few others). It also has some limited war functions (floods, tsunami) and a nice plist feature. The plist feature is great because it does what it says, lists available files with comments. No advertising of what script is is, simply lists available files, how many gets on each of them, and how much total has been snagged. This is basically a personal thing, I really don't care to see what script is being used by a person, I just want to know what files are available. The xdcc list feature is very cool as well. Simply /xl nick will xdcc list the person, regarless of DCC or CTCP, it'll check first before listing them. It saves a few keystrokes here and there...which is always nice if you're an impatient person, like myself. :) I *highly* recommend this script if you are at all interested in Ircle scripts. The documentation is very clean and straighforward, which is *always* a plus. LSD v2.0 is offered by SLF-DCC on EFNet (in #macfilez). -Freakman • Lameness • The most recent lamer I came across on IRC this past month is known as the following nicks: PPC604e, PPC604, RISC604, RISC604e, Riscer, Marky, and Markman His 'claims' that he's Apple certified, is an assistant webmaster at Apple, is certified in nearly every other thing on this planet are completely false. He's either sophmore or junior in high school with a low self esteem problem...admitting to having no friends, admitting that his mom is a bitch, claiming to have a PowerComputing mac, then saying he didn't, but coming back and saying he did...the list goes on and on. Complete logs of his actions are included with this issue in text format, that's what those other files are included in the archive. I won't comment on his lameness anymore, he can easily be voted LAMER OF THE DECADE. Instead, I will create a list of how to avoid being a lamer and common signs of a lamer. As a helper, please refer to the Guide To Lameness v1.0 as well. -Freakman How to AVOID Being A Lamer v1.0 Death Threats Probably one of the most hiddious displays of lameness is threatening someone's life because they either: - kicked you - banned you - deopped you - made a joke about you Claiming to be 6'4" 230lbs is BEYOND lameness, and it only adds to your lame rep that you are building up for yourself. In the event that you are 6'4" 230lbs, good for you, nobody else cares, because you will NEVER see any of these people in your entire life. Threatening to kick their asses is nothing more than a cry for help because you can think of nothing better to say or (dare I say) you don't have to balls to simply ignore their comments about you. Bragging "Yeah, well I have a PPC 9500/180MP." You know what? I don't care, nobody else is going to worship you, and you gain nothing from the balls that your computer has (in many cases, this could have been purchased by your mommy and daddy). If you have to resort to bragging about your computer to other people, go sit in a corner and play with it. False Claims Claiming to be something you're not really pisses people off. I remember one lamer that claimed to be an assistant webmaster for Apple, A+ certified, and all kinds of other hoop-la. Well, it eventually shows that you are lame when you cannot answer questions that other techies know, and if you keep insisting that you are the God that you claim you are...what do you want? Money? Presents? Praise? Nobody cares who you are, and it really matters if you can answer their questions or not. If you hang out in channels that are based on your occupation(s), cool, answer their questions, do NOT brag about all of the stuff you can do. Kick-Toys You are (usually) kicked/banned for a reason. If you are kicked, play it cool, rejoin the channel if you want to and lay low for a while. Everyone hates kick-toys, you should get the point after the first kick. Don't rejoin the channel and immediately ask "Why was I kicked?" That'll normally get you kicked again. Don't constantly rejoin after being kicked either, you are being booted for a reason, people will continue to get more pissed off at you the more annoyed you make them. And for God's sake, turn OFF auto-rejoin!!! This is VERY LAME! The Day After... Let's say you spent an entire evening getting kicked, banned, taunted, made fun of like mad and it is the following day now. Do *NOT* go back into these channels and pose as friends to the people who were doing things to you. Do *NOT* ask questions about the day before and why you were kicked/banned/etc. Do *NOT* /msg someone and ask why this and that happened. Go unnoticed for a few days, be smart, don't continue to be annoying. Lame Attempts at Flooding Flooding is not clicking on the ping button in Ircle on another user. Flooding is not /msging or /noticeing the user over and over through Ircle. Do *NOT* be lame and attempt to flood someone on a T1, T3, ethernet, ISDN, or 56k from your 33.6/28.8 dial-up line. Could someone on a 300 baud connection flood a 28.8 connection? NO! This is the same scenario as a 28.8 vs. any high speed line, don't do it! It only pisses off whomever it may be, and they'll most likely get a few buddies and flood yer ass off IRC for the entire night. Colors Colors are lame, don't use them. My Pet Peeve: Repeating... Do NOT ask the same question over and over, it is lame! Do NOT ask the same question over and over, it is lame! Do NOT ask the same question over and over, it is lame! Do NOT ask the same question over and over, it is lame! Do NOT ask the same question over and over, it is lame! Do NOT ask the same question over and over, it is lame! Do NOT ask the same question over and over, it is lame! Do NOT ask the same question over and over, it is lame! Do NOT ask the same question over and over, it is lame! ASCII Art This is lame and outdated, don't do it. "Fake AOL Accounts" You've got net access already, why would you EVER want to be on AOL? Don't ask, and especially don't /msg random people in the channel asking for fake accounts either. "Everyone, go to this channel!: #whatever" "Everyone go to #TRaDeRWaReZ because it is ELEET!" Try again, if your channel was the shit, people would be there. Advertising openly in a channel sucks, people may check it out, but will more than likely leave a minute later. Don't be lame and mass-advertise your channel. - Freakman Lamer Examples: (keep in mind the time at which this took place...VERY EARLY!) 5:06 AM: *xman* do you now any good adress to a hotline server?? 5:07 AM: *** xman is (ircle user) 5:07 AM: *** xman is on channels #macfilez 5:07 AM: *** xman is on IRC via server ([] Gothenburg, Sweden) 5:07 AM: --> xman No. 5:07 AM: *xman* ok 5:07 AM: *xman* do you now any good ftp adress? 5:08 AM: --> xman No. 5:08 AM: *xman* ok 5:08 AM: *xman* do you now where i can get the game bonkheads 5:08 AM: --> xman Leave me alone. 5:09 AM: *xman* ok --- --- --- (Blue comments are that of the author--these are merely put in to point out lameness and make smart-ass comments. :) Dert: hey Dert: everyone come to #traderz *** Dert has been kicked off channel #macfilez by w0lvrine (Advertise elsewhere, lamuth) •- Channel advertising is lame in itself. *** FagBoy has left channel #macfilez *** Signoff: OT112DCC (Leaving) *** Dert ( has joined channel #macfilez •- What's this? Auto-rejoin after kick??? Arg... ZoooP: I would like to have C7C Rubels: now who has Poser 2 again? ZoooP: so would I Dert: it's NOT AN ADVEREMENT Dert: wait DNGNMSTR: whoever gets the FULL c&c will be like quite popular :) Dert: it's not an advertisement •- Repeating, lying...can we say, "L-a-m-e-r?" Sub-DCC: ** 4 packs ** 5 of 8 slots open Record: 5kb/s Sub-DCC: #1 8x[13.6M] Adobe After Effect 3.1 Sub-DCC: ^- with kraked production bundle Sub-DCC: #2 7x [5.6M] Kai's Power Tools 3 Sub-DCC: #3 10x [1.3M] PhotoTools *** Signoff: QQuinn (EOF From client) Sub-DCC: ^- Nice Photoshop add-on Dert: check it out .. they op everyone in #traderz *** GatorMan ( has joined channel #MacFileZ Sub-DCC: #4 5x [211k] Informant Dec Dert: it's pretty cool GatorMan: Yo yo yo! Dert: it's impossible to takeover •- Anything's possible, "Dert." *** Dert has been kicked off channel #macfilez by MsLilith (That's called an advertisement) *** ZoooP has left channel #macfilez *** santoki ( has joined channel #macfilez *** Dert ( has joined channel #macfilez •- Auto-rejoin after kick... *** Signoff: CloudNine (Connection reset by peer) Kowe: Hey! Whois offering Hotline via dcc? Dert: FUCKIN SHTI Dert: look Dert: it's cool *** lizard-x has left channel #macfilez Dert: if u dont' want to see it fine •- The ol' reverse psychology trick, eh? Sacred: any hotline sitez up? Dert: it's not like it's my channel or shit •- Yeah sure, pal. --- --- --- PPC604e is a breed of Internet users we like to call "lamers". In my opinion, he is the God of lamers. When you look in the dictionary under the word "lamer", you see PPC604e's picture. I've known the lamer for a few weeks now, and in the first 5 minutes I talked to him, I could already suspect his lameness. He said that he has a "T5" connection to the Internet because his Mommy (who all of PPC's enemies have gotten with, BTW) works for Pacific Bell. For one, T5's don't exhist. Heck, even if they do, do Pacific Bell employees regularly get a fiber optic line that is faster than a T3? Nope, I don't think so. A T1 or a T3 would cost more in one month than PPC's mommy could make in a year. Another example of lameness from PPC: The guy said that his "FlashROM" modem protects against floods. Maybe it has something to do with the Flash? Flash flood? Who the hell knows, but what we do know is this guy is a lamer and on top of it, really unintelligent. PPC thinks of himself as some sort of elite hacker and the moron couldn't even find out my IP from my domain name! Quite an elite, huh? He is also a lier. He tells everyone he has a Power Tower Pro until he finally admitted he has a Quadra 840AV, he says he has IRCop status on the Undernet. Also, he said he works as an assistant webmaster for Apple. If you ever see PPC604e (he hangs out on Efnet), make sure to say hi and ICMP flood him while your at it. =) - CHRP And now, we bring you.... ( > are Wackadoo's entries to the conversation) "PPC: First Contact" --------------------------------- *** PPC604 is (PPC604e) *** on channels: #ntbbs *** on irc via server (Mindspring Enterprises IRC Server) hey freakman sup werd freakman, is there a EFent administration webpage I can report complaints too?? huh/ ? ok, reconnect to the server with Chunder as the username, not Pimp complaints for what? jesus christ no Yer pissin me off. just wondering what's wrong with EFNet? sorry for pissing you off, I want to apply for ircops HA HA HA not complaint against you > HAHAHAHAHAH > BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH MUAHHAHAHAHAH guys > Like you're ever gunna be an Ircop yeah I will .lame 99 who ya gonna complain against? Holy lamuhness, Batman!: [----------] Ä It is BEYOND lameness in here. hehhe *Chunder* can I kick him, please. go ahead!!! :) I was thinking of runing IRCD hey *** Mode change "+b *!*PPC604e@*" on channel #ntbbs by Chunder GODDAMN! *** PPC604 has been kicked off channel #ntbbs by Illusions (You have been banned) > HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA > WHAT A DORK HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA HAHA HAHAHAHAHHAHA > Freak, where do you FIND these people ha ha ha ah ahhahahahah haahaha I didn't find him, he found me! LAMUH goddamn that was fuckin hilarious hehehehheh oh shit *PPC604* that was a joke right, goddamn i'll let him back in, hehehe .ub #ntbbs *!*PPC604e@* judas priest *** Mode change "-b *!*PPC604e@*" on channel #ntbbs by Freakman *** PPC604 ( has joined channel #ntbbs thanks that didn't take long for what? for unban Lame-o-meter [---------{10}] PPC604 10/10 Lame-o-Meter [---------{10}] 10/10 PPC604 is the master! I bow to PPC604's lameness.... hey goddamn that's funny I'm sorry, it's just hillarious. thats not very funny guys yeah hehe Lame-o-meter [--------{9}-] PPC604 9/10 guys ok ok come on Lame-o-meter [---------{10}] PPC604 10/10 .bl > if you're serious about this, and you think you have what it takes, talk >to him ok, I will good god don't encourage wackadoo k aww you guys wont mind /join #_static_realm_ > won't mind what? nothing,worn channel hey wackadoo can I help you with writing EMC?? > ask freak. he said ask you > okay n? > what would you contribute? articles > that's too vague of an answer > what is your mac experience I'll have to see whats there to write about he hacks SE's NOPE PPC: we don't need any more help > what is your mac experience PPC? ok > simple question > should be simple to answer well I'm an expert at C++ programming and PPC& 68k assembly *** UnKwnSold ( has joined channel #ntbbs unkwnsold! also I know a fairly good amount of unix to get root yo! > you know enough unix to get root? > heheh > yeah, okay. yeah so what's your level of experience? wackadoo? wackadoo = God that's his experience I know perl too, just to let you know I know basic...does that help? ;P I am novell certified > so? * Chunder takes out his Shotgun and tells PPC604 you got 10 seconds to run * Chunder PPC604 10 * Chunder PPC604 1 * Chunder pulls out the shotgun and blows PPC604 's head off.. I past all 6 tests hehheh hahahahaah I'm asskicking certified I am novell, apple, HP,IBM,PB certified techs what's up unkwnsold? > my ass you're apple certified brb you're not a certified HP tech....come on... Yes I am I past 2 tests ppc: and you think you can become an ircop? YES Lame-o-meter [------{7}---] PPC604 7/10 I have my own IRC server brb in 1 min ppc: you don't have the slightest clue...? you sure didn't pass the spelling test (I assume "past" = "passed") > PPC: where did you get Apple certified? > What is your A+ certificate number? > (let's see if he can answer this one...) heh hahaah im back > PPC: what companies have you worked for? > how many years of experience do you have? > so anyways, what is your certificate number? I am an assitant webmaster > we'll know in about 10 seconds if you're lying > sure you are I am an assitant webmaster for Apple Computer > HAHAHHAHAHHAHHAAH HHAHAHAHHAHAHAH MY # is hold on let me get it > what's your name PPC.... Mark Goddamn, I'm gonna feature this WHOLE conversation in the next EMC!!!!! > Mark what? Mark Jackass? Mark Johnson > yeah right. NO ha ha that most generic name on this earth Actually Its Mark Kronar hehe' yeah! and I'm Bob Smith I aint kidding I'm John Thompson *** Mode change "+b *!*" on channel #ntbbs by Wackadoo i'm not kidding either Hello. John Wilson. thanks for the ban fine be that way bye bye ppc .k #ntbbs ppc604 LAMUH! why are you doing this? *** PPC604 has been kicked off channel #ntbbs by Illusions (LAMUH!) HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH haahahahaha goddamn that was fuckin hillarious what a dipshit heheh is he banned? he was THE biggest bullshitter > do NOT unban that domain yes, he's banned heh, no problem put this in EMC...for real... I thought he was kinda cool... :P cm is that you? yessir, how's it going? *PPC604* why are you doing this *PPC604* Why did you ban me, you hate me or something? --> ppc604 You lie, you get banned. Don't bullshit and people won't bother you. ahhahaha good god he is RETARDED hehehe Tell him to keep msging you because you like it a lot. > god, people like that really piss me off > fuckin makes people like me look bad *PPC604* I dont bullshit ask area He knows i work for apple *PPC604* Ask area he will back everything I say --> ppc604 Area said you're a lamer. I trust his judgement. *PPC604* When did he say that today? *PPC604* I am not a lamer hahahah judas priest, what a fuckhead *** PPC604 ( has joined channel #ntbbs <_Aramis> HOla gee heh heh heh hey guys sup werd *** PPC604 has been kicked off channel #ntbbs by Wackadoo (buh-bye) *** Mode change "-b+b *!* *!*@*" on channel #ntbbs by Freakman hey heh *PPC604* Fine, Its okay you banned me. You just have to say to me I'm not welcoemd and I'll leave *PPC604* Comeon DID area really say I was a lamer *PPC604* No need to ban or kick He's so "Mature." *PPC604* k,thanks hehehe *PPC604* now wil you have teh courtest to unban me .inv area_51 ahhaha *** AREA_51 ( has joined channel #ntbbs wonder if he's here? -> *PPC604* tel ya what, if you can actually tell me where you got certified from, I'll tell these guys to lay off you. area: you around? hey he could have autojoin on what's up! Who the FUCK is PPC604??? he's one of THE biggest lamers I've EVER met he's a nice guy. heh, whatever area: you know ppc604? He 'claims' he works for apple and all this other lameass shit. he does not HAHAHAHAHHA Fuckin lameass. Area: do you know this kid in person? if so, that kinda sucks... nope but I have all his info like his high school area_51: where did you find him? He had ops in your channel last night *PPC604* fine, see ya all later. I aint no lamer > *PPC604* I am not a shit ;) *** PPC604e is (PPC604e) *** on irc via server (Mindspring Enterprises IRC Server) he should go to 68000 heh, i'm letting him in *PPC604e* I was honestly not lieing and IF you dont belive me fine, BUT why ban me *** Mode change "-b *!*@*" on channel #ntbbs by Freakman here we go cool *** PPC604e ( has joined channel #ntbbs Welcome to our channel! :) heya hehe, fun ahead -------> sure.. HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyone who would claims to be PB cert is fucked up to start with you know what PB stands for?? Penis Breath? Pacific BELL I read somewhere that consumers have rated PB a "WORST BUY" as in telephone comany see my domain > oh, you're PB certified too? he's EVERYTHING certified You must be REALLY smart... NOt really I wish even ONE of us in this channel were HALF as smart as you... Wait, I'm smart... heh no, I am... hehe Lame-o-meter [---------{10}] PPC604e 10/10 ---> PPC604: I am novell, apple, HP,IBM,PB certified techs << You mean to tell me that you mean Pacific Bell here? wow, unkwnsold, you must be really cool to have that many numbers! having many numbers means your new to the techs mine is 1, I was the first person to be certified. I hope you know when APple first started > no, dumbshit, it means you're A+ certified > LERN the differnce i got one of their first #S um, 1995? > HAHAHHAHAH > yeah right no hahhaheheha hahaha > PPC: who do you work for? k-mart <_Aramis> Oh of course I work for apple as an assitant webmaster ask area_51 he knows me > no you don't yeah PPC theory area51 says you don't work for shit when did he say that? *** PPC604e has been kicked off channel #ntbbs by Wackadoo (that was the last straw) dmmit Did I tell you guys that I just finished designing the new 686 chip for Intel and also, I just built a new stealth can fly 3 times the speed of light and has full life support why do you stay here and take this beating? Just leave, wait don't I'm having too much fun let him rejoin <_Aramis> I thought that job just opened *** PPC604e ( has joined channel #ntbbs * AREA_51 jumps in and types something > fuck this area: say something to him > I'm going to bed wack, knock it off...this is fun. ok > have fun guys g'night wackadoo *** PPC604e ( has joined channel #ntbbs hey greetings! nighty night you been reading those mac homepages again haven't you hey sup area hey ppc hey area tell them i work for apple I hack. they wont belive me I'm a hacker. I'm a power hacker, hehe I'm a weed wacker. er, whacker. err uh oh I own Microsoft. chunder: NO WAY! I swear. > c'mon Area, vouch for this guy hey billgates sup gates I own the lamborghini company lets flood gates hehe -> *area_51* so, is this guy really what he says he is? Oh, I forgot to tell you guys, I just took over the universe today. You guys wanna go out for dinner tonight? heh heh, NO How bout i kick yer ass bitch HAHHAHH no you're cool, just like the rest of us now PPC hahahahhaha k ppc? k yeah I'll kick ass with chunder what area? that's right. what did you want to say area? Alright, the real deal....Area51, tell us about him... -> *area_51* yeah, PPC604e. vouch for him or tell him off go ahead area tell em about me > yeah area, c'mon tell us that this is all true hehe hmmm... well.. please tell... wack: I thought you were going to bed ;) heh wait, lemme guess, he's 10 years old! wack: just too interesting, eh? wha about? what part? alll of it this is way too good to sleep through where I live and what do I do unkwnsold: no shit! :) > Area: simple question. Is this guy an Apple assitant WEbmaster? > yes or no tell us that this is true >>> PPC604: I am novell, apple, HP,IBM,PB certified techs * AREA_51 does not think so.... but is not certain i did take the tests and passed tests for sanity very funny ;P > that's what I thought > thanks PPC. You have proven my point mine too k lol You're LAME. err NOT hehe let me ask you a question PPC, why do you sit here and take this? Why don't you leave? Nevermind, don't leave, we're having waayyyyy too much fun But let's ask stormlick just *HOW* lame he is... I just dont act like myself today Lame-o-meter [---------{10}] PPC604e 10/10 k ahhh. stormlick tells all... hey area why cant you unban me from #SR *** PPC604e has been kicked off channel #ntbbs by Freakman (You're certified for LAMENESS, I can vouch for that! See ya, lamuh!) *** Mode change "+b *!*@*" on channel #ntbbs by Wackadoo > and that, is that *** Mode change "+s-p" on channel #ntbbs by Freakman I wanted to kick him!! Don't worry, the lamness continues on the next page!